Shower Drains > ACO QuARTz

Category: Shower Drains
Part Name:
QuARTz are linear shower channels that allow the bathroom floor to take on a new dimension to become an integral part of the design. Eliminate barriers in the shower layout for level threshold designs. Compatible with different floor structures. Complicated floor slopes are eliminated, simplifying tiling. QuARTz linear shower drains are designed to last.
Art is the visual expression of design. ACO shower channels offer a more artistic solution to shower drainage; there are seven grate styles available in stainless steel or oil-rubbed bronze to complement other bathroom fixtures. Optional LED water activated lighting adds an additional dimension, taking the design to an even higher art form.
Quartz by ACO grates are based on the latest European design and the range of styles complements bathroom design and personal preferences. Matching grate designs for the linear drain and point drain create a harmonized scheme and integrated design. As well as 7 design grate options there is also the Tile Grate that allows for the floor material to also be installed within the center of the channel.
PDF Specs
- Choice of 7 grate styles
- Choice of electro-polished or oil-rubbed bronze
- Choice of plain edge or flanged edge
- Height adjustable leveling feet
- 2" Outlet pipe
- 5 Standard lengths
Call 800-277-5015 to place your order for QuARTz!