Commercial Trench Drains > ACO SlabDrain

Category: Commercial Trench Drains
Part Name:
On occasion, installation constraints are of greater concern than hydraulics. The most common constraint is lack of depth. To offer solutions where shallow trench drains are required, ACO offers SlabDrain in 3 versions - all neutral. H80 is the shallowest with 3.15” (85mm) overall depth to H100SK with 4.0” (100mm) overall depth. Loading varies for each system, up to heavy duty Class F. All grates are secured to the channel body by either QuickLok (H80, H100, H80K and H100K) or PowerLok (H100SK). SlabDrain products are made to order.
Typical applications
- Parking decks
- Restricted depth applications
- Elevated slabs
- Retro-fit
- Threshold applications
Quicklocks Specs
Powerlocks Specs
Installation Instructions
- QuickLok on H80/H100 and H80K/H100K - patented, boltless locking system provides quick fitting and removal of grates. Helps reduce installation/ maintenance time and cost (see QuickLok)
- Direction arrows on the sides of the channel indicate flow direction and ensure channels are installed correctly.
- Wide choice of grates in various materials, styles and slot configurations (including ADA compliant). H80/H100 from Load Class A to Load Class C. H80K/H100K from Load Class A to Load Class E (see Loadings)
- H80K/H100K - Integrally cast-in galvanized steel edge rail provides additional strength and protects channel body from damage. (Stainless steel edge rail also available).
- H100SK Ductile iron grates - heavy duty ductile iron grates in choice of slotted or ADA compliant to Load Class F (see Loadings)
- H100SK - Integrally cast-in ductile iron edge rail provides maximum strength and protection for channel body.
- Profiled side walls - frost keys provide channel body strength and mechanical keying to concrete surround.
- PowerLok on H100SK - patented, boltless locking system provides quick fitting and removal of grates. Helps reduce installation/maintenance time and cost (see PowerLok)
- H100SK ‘Anti-shunt’ lugs - recesses in the grate fit around lugs on the edge rail to prevent longitudinal movement of grate.
- Bottom drill-outs are included on all channels to allow vertical evacuation of the system at any point in the run. Drill-outs sized for 4” Schedule 40 pipes.
- Polymer concrete - a durable yet lightweight material made from polyester resin binder reinforced by mineral aggregates and fillers. It provides up to four times the compressive strength of cement concrete. Also available in Vinyl ester polymer concrete for increased chemical resistance - (see Material Properties) .
- 4” internal width trench system - meter (39.37”) channels. Flat bottom minimizes construction depth.
- SF Sealant Groove - a 5/16” by 5/16”
groove is cast into the female end of every channel. This groove allows for a positive bead of flexible sealant to be inserted at joints.
Call 800-277-5015 to place your order for SlabDrain!