Commercial Trench Drains > ACO HighwayDrain

Category: Commercial Trench Drains
Part Name:
Monolithic Polymer Concrete 8" Trench Drain
HighwayDrain is designed to address drainage demands of areas with fast moving traffic. The single piece construction removes the concern of components vibrating loose when frequently trafficked by high speed vehicles. Ideal for use in applications where the drainage cannot be positioned outside the flow of traffic.
HighwayDrain has been designed for simple installation in a wide range of urban and rural applications, as well as highways and Interstates. One-piece, 4-foot long units are quick to install, reducing costly and inconvenient road closures.
Typical applications
- Highway
- Interstates
- Distribution depots
- Container ports
- Truck stops
- Industrial parks
Installation Instructions
- One-piece unit - provides both grate openings and trench drain combined. No removable or loose parts that could be lost, stolen or create a hazard to fast moving vehicles. Simple installation requires no bracing and no grates to install.
- Abrasion resistance - testing showed 0.01” depth of wear after 30 minutes of continuous abrasion - ASTM C779 (Procedure A - revolving disks). This is comparable to Portland cement concrete.
- Neutral or sloped depth system - sloping (0.6%) 4-foot channel units provide 100’ continuous slope. This equates to 1/16" fall per linear foot. Neutral units can be used to extend run lengths.
- Large, high capacity inlet slots - provide 30% open area which equates to 36.20 sq. in. per linear foot. Openings are tapered to allow large debris items to fall through and prevent slots becoming blocked. Slots can be used to suspend parts in hanging installation method.
- 4-bolt ductile iron access grate - provides access to the drainage system and underground pipe work for maintenance. Supplied on access and outlet channels only. Grate provides 38% open area which equates to 43.24 sq. in. per linear foot.
- Polymer concrete construction - offers high durability and is resistant to road salts and other common road chemicals. Polymer concrete is manufactured from polyester resins reinforced with mineral aggregates and fillers. It provides up to four times the compressive strength of cement concrete. Minimal water absorption properties prevent freeze-thaw breakdown.
- Profiled side-wall pockets - to increase strength, reduce weight and hold unit securely into concrete haunch.
- Direction arrows - indicate flow direction and ensure channels are installed correctly.
- Male/female interconnecting end details - help ensure correct height alignment of units for easy installation and aesthetic finish.
- Flume outlets - offer high capacity outlets for connection into a collector line or catch basin. Fits to the base of the outlet channels. Available as 8” or 12” Schedule 40 vertical or horizontal outlet.
- 8” (200mm) internal width - offers excellent drainage capacity for any road catchment area.
Call 800-277-5015 to place your order for HighwayDrain!